Like all health care practitioners, I have become more familiar with certain conditions than others; however, please always remember that True Acupuncture treats the whole person and not the conditions. No matter what condition that is addressed, the mechanism of treatment is always the same — I listen and understand each patient's unique presentation, and bring the whole body into harmony, without just inserting needles based on the symptoms.
With that said, experience with my own “mystery” and “invisible” illness — chronic mycotoxicosis and the accompanying cellular exhaustion & nervous system dysregulation — where my body’s responses to Functional Medicine approaches, combined with Eastern medicine philosophies, nutritional supplementation, numerous detoxification modalities, vagal nerve stimulations, & limbic system reset, for example, were slower and uniquely inconsistent. This has allowed me to deeply investigate this realm of chronic and mysterious conditions where individuals struggle to find the right balance of understanding, treatments, and support.
After having to put my business on pause for over 5 years to persevere and wade through treatments, frustrating results, creative healing solutions, and a slow rebuild from collapse, I have utmost empathy for individuals experiencing similar paths and, therefore, choose to focus on providing support in the presence of such conditions.
chronic Conditions with accompanying:
Fatigue, exhaustion, and low energy
Symptoms that remain following other treatment protocols
Chronic pain
Migraines / headaches
Stress: reactivity to stress and resulting consequences of stress
Auto-immune presentations
Endocrine system concerns: hormonal imbalance, hypo-/hyperthyroid, adrenal fatigue.
Digestive concerns: constipation, diarrhea, IBS, bloating, digestive pain, acid reflux (hyperacidity), hypo-acidity, etc.
Metabolic concerns
Skin conditions: acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, hives, general itchiness, etc.
… and more. No “minor,” “weird,” or “strange” recurring symptom in chronic illness is insignificant.
Overall, Acupuncture is effective in providing treatments and approaches unique to Chinese Medicine perspectives, yet with contemporary research and understanding. In an official report, Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed the following symptoms, diseases and conditions that have been shown through controlled trials to be treated effectively by acupuncture. Find the list here.