Roots Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine has restructured the timing of appointments and fee schedule. Fuyiu’s goal is to focus her practice on individuals who often require more time, including, but not limited to individuals with challenging chronic conditions, those who seek support during difficult treatment protocols, or those who desire to hasten healing [following illness or post-surgery, for example].
The longer session time also allows for additional modalities (cupping therapy, electro-stim acupuncture, red light heat therapy, etc) to be added and utilized in a thorough manner.
With Fuyiu’s own long & circuitous health journey over these recent years, she has solidified the understanding that many bodies affected by chronic illnesses and/or undergoing treatment protocols typically respond more slowly, while longer supportive sessions & discussions may be needed as well.
Fee Schedule
Regular Acupuncture
New Patient Acupuncture session = New patient comprehensive review of heath history and a single acupuncture treatment. (Approximately 2 hours.) $250.00
Single Follow-up Acupuncture session = A single follow-up acupuncture session with herbal recommendations if necessary. (Approximately 90 minutes.) $185.00
Package of Acupuncture sessions/treatments available after the New Patient session.
* Payment is due at the time of service.
* We do not accept/process Insurance – upon request, we can provide a coded bill [superbill] for you to submit a claim for your reimbursement.
cupping therapy (with traditional fire cupping)
New Patient Cupping session = New patient review^ and a cupping therapy treatment. (Approximately 1.5 hours.) $175.00 {^When working with new individuals with any modality, a review of whole body health is required in order to provide the most comprehensive, whole body care.}
Single Follow-up Cupping session = A single follow-up cupping therapy treatment. (Approximately 1 hour.) $125.00
Package of Cupping Therapy sessions/treatments available after the New Patient session.
If Cupping Therapy is performed during an Acupuncture session — in conjunction with Acupuncture — there is no additional fee.
More information on Cupping Therapy here.
B12 injections
SINGLE B12: $30 PACKAGE of 6: $150 [$25 each] ADD-ON with Acupuncture: $15
More information on Injection Therapy here.
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Facial rejuvenation / cosmetic Acupuncture
It is highly recommended to already have had a New Patient Regular Acupuncture session so that Fuyiu can appropriately gauge how your body responds prior to a Facial Rejuvenation session.
Note: Each Facial Rejuvenation session includes a regular, customized acupuncture session to ensure a thorough whole body approach.
Facial / Cosmetic session - EACH = A Facial / Cosmetic session and a follow up regular, customized acupuncture session in one. (Approximately 2 hours.) $250.00
Facial / Cosmetic session - PACKAGE = A Package of 12 Facial / Cosmetic session [with follow up regular, customized acupuncture sessions each time]. (Approximately 2 hours per session.) $2,750.00 {pay for 11, get 1 free}
More information on Facial Rejuvenation / Cosmetic Acupuncture here.
Microneedling / nanoneedling
Fees: coming soon!
More information on Microneedling & Nanoneedling here.